Daily Prompt: Treasure

As crazy as this may seem, I have faith to believe my man is coming out of prison earlier than what the state has given him. There is a scripture verse that says, “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”-Colossians 3:2. A miracle is like treasure found: rare and very precious. It holds high value to its possessor. My babe can’t believe the amount of faith I have so he doesn’t tease me anymore. He used to, but somewhere he became a believer.

No one can put a price tag on the love I have for my prison man. No more lonely Christmases without him, finally having him carve the turkey and help cook on Thanksgiving, celebrating his birthdays and other occasions together and more loving on him everyday that I am strengthened in the Lord. Freedom, my friend, is what we will truly treasure!

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